A Not So Hotfix

Unfortunately this week there's only a small correction to the game, where there was some unintended image overlap I overlooked after too many hours straight working on all the changes to the one of the few end points in the vn so far. I had debated on quickly pushing it out as a correction much earlier last week, but I thought instead I would leave uploading a fix for it in the next update a long with all the other stuff I wanted to add.

I have been working on more art for various parts of the game and due to not making a concerted effort to focus on one or the other didn't get any of the parts I wanted to work on get finished. There will be more detail in my rambling at the start of the story, which is now skippable if you don't want to see me waffle on about nonsense.

Either way, I'm looking to try get the art I want done and into the game, wreathed in verbose text for the next update. I hope you will be looking forward to it

Edit: Apparently I never actually published this last week, and it had been left as a draft this entire time. Tacking on this week's update to this post, I have hit a slump in art asset creation and trying to get multiple distractions out of the way so I can hopefully have an update ready for next week. Thank you for your patience.


GoudenWish- (Now With Not So Hotfixes!) 33 MB
Jul 06, 2023

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