A Slow Fortnight

Apologies for the delay on this update, though I suppose it is still within the planned scheduling of a week to a fortnight. It hasn't got as much content added as I'd like but progress is progress. Additionally, I took some time to wrangle the thing to hopefully be playable in the browser, though I don't know how well it will work as yet. For a tiny VN as it is so far this seemed like something I should've done from the beginning to save on you having to redownload the thing every time. Though I do plan to keep the manual download available for now. 

I have been somewhat directionless as of late as well, and currently considering changing the upload date to every (other) Sunday, Monday or Possibly just Tuesday instead of Wednesdays, since as it stands, Wednesdays present an awful lot of things to worry about at the same time. I'll make a mention of it if I do go through with changing my schedule though.

That said, I hope you enjoy what few changes have been made thus far.


GoudenWish- (Now With Aetherometers!) 33 MB
Jul 27, 2023

Get Gouden Wish


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Excellent news! I for one would be for keeping the downloadable version, since I download a group of games and play them all in a row, like a true gamer would B). In any case, it's good to see that you're making progress, even if you think it's slow, what's most important is that it's happening. Keep on keeping on, try things, learn from them, and grow. I'll see you in a few weeks at most :)